A downloadable game for Windows

Dive into the immersive world of Escape the RBT, an educational game designed to enhance your understanding of Algorithms and Data Structures (ADS). Created by a team of dedicated students from the Gdańsk University of Technology, this game turns complex academic concepts into engaging and interactive mini-games within a 3D escape room setting.

Game Features:

  • Interactive 3D Environment: Navigate through a meticulously designed 3D world using your keyboard and mouse. Interact with various objects and solve puzzles.
  • Educational Mini-Games: Engage with 8 unique mini-games, each focusing on a different algorithm or data structure concept, such as Binary Search Trees, Heaps, and Dijkstra's Algorithm. The tasks are generated randomly, ensuring a fresh challenge each time.
  • Dynamic Learning: Each mini-game starts with a brief tutorial on the relevant concept, and players can access hints to assist them through more difficult challenges.
  • Iterative Gameplay: Choose and replay mini-games to master each topic. The iterative mode allows for repeated practice, reinforcing learning through repetition.
  • Customizable Audio-Visuals: Enjoy an aesthetically pleasing interface with custom-made graphics. Experience immersive sound effects that react to your in-game actions.

Escape the RBT is not just a game; it's a tool designed to make learning algorithms and data structures a fun and engaging experience. Perfect for students preparing for exams or anyone looking to deepen their understanding of these essential computer science concepts.

Upcoming Features:

  • Additional mini-games covering more advanced topics.
  • A full story mode with save and load functionality.
  • Enhanced audio-visual elements for an even more immersive experience.

Join us on this educational adventure and conquer the world of algorithms and data structures like never before!


Escape RBT.zip 55 MB

Install instructions

Extract  the zip and run the exe :)

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